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A Key To Clear Goal Setting Mechanism


Pooja S Shah

Mending Mindset...

What is mindset? The dictionary says “a mindset is the established set of attitudes (beliefs and thoughts) held by someone.”

How does mindset impact us? What are types of mindsets? Can we change our mindsets?

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What if I say ‘YES’ it is possible to find accurate answers to all these answers? Exhilarating!

In fact some folks have already tried conducting research on these topics. A pioneer who tops her name on Google search list is none other than Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor at Stanford University and authoress of “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” book. She talks about Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset.


After carrying out research on behavior of thousands of children, Dr. Dweck invented the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement. Dr. Dweck clearly explains what it takes to alter a fixed mindset and mend it into a growth mindset. More information about the same concept can be found at MindsetWorks.

Have we ever wondered while people from different corners of the world lay emphasis on importance of having our mindset in place, how would it might have been impacting us?

How does our mindset impact us?

To rediscover our mindset and associated thought processes, we need to undertake timely self-assessment conversations or tests at the best. In real time, our mindset directs our efforts towards desired achievements. If mindset is made to create the right circumstances for us, it will lead to a positive impact on our achievements and vice versa. A chain of reactions happen which either pushes us or pulls us down thanks to the mind's overwhelming ability to adapt to change, a process called neuroplasticity.

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Let us check what do we see in this adjacent image:

Do you see somebody climbing up the stairs and looking towards a face turned on extreme right? Or do you see somebody withdrawing attention from that extreme right turned face and trying to climb down the stairs? Knock… Knock… Answer carefully for this could decide on the present state of your mindset.

Former scenario suggest a growth mindset while the later one provides an indication of either mixed or fixed mindset. To conduct a self-evaluation take this Mindset assessment test. After self-assessment, the very obvious question that arises in our minds: “Can we change our mindset?” ~ ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’ is the way to answer this very obvious question. Our mindset can be altered in as many ways as we can and as many times as we want to in the entire lifetime.

3 Ways to push and promote Growth Mindset

1) Self-evaluate:

While anyone is learning and practicing goal setting, goal pursuit and finally its achievement, that person should take time to reflect upon any 2 aspect (s)he performed excellently and any 1 aspect on which (s)he wants to pursue and better excel upon. At this very moment, one’s mind might be occupied with thought processes like “but I did not do anything well during last practice session”. Well, STOP RIGHT THERE MY FRIEND! You need to get control over these thought patterns only which necessarily bear their roots grounded into a Fixed Mindset. I am certainly sure that with practice, you must have achieved some heights of improvement; and if you still have difficulties in identifying these heights, I insist to seek these answers in your daily actions, the company you keep and tasks that you take initiative for.

2) Bits and Pieces:

Divide your tasks or practice goal sessions into smaller, easily perform-able steps. Many times when it seems to be impossible to complete a task or attain a practice goal and no improvements are visible, your set goal may be too big. Split, break them into mini steps and witness your each step climbing up your goal or task ladder just like the above figure shows.

3) Persist Positively:

You may sense a due delay in achieving what you set for in a given timeline. Don’t be anxious and stressed out if it takes longer than you expect to achieve your goals. Stay calm and continue what you ought to do with consistency and persistence. You will get there at the right time and with unexpected diligence success rate, so believe that you will!

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It is time to believe that you will be reaching this pictorial state after having read, understood and resolved to start applying these awesome 3 ways of pushing and promoting Growth Mindset.


If you found this piece of information useful, kindly share it with as many as you could. Trust me there is no limit of how you could do good to others by sharing this piece of information and insight…


Looking forward to hear from you in the comment box below…

Pooja S Shah


Discover how to remove the mightiest thorn in your path to success… That’s your own self-created Psychological Threshold!

Pooja S Shah


This fine piece of text will encourage you develop such magnificent routine that helps you add more hours to your day!

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